Your Guide to Pedagogical Documentation


Pedagogical Documentation is the process of making learning visible via taking photos of the learning process, saving artwork, videoing action, making notices and recording voice, and then using that documentation purposefully. 

Did you know that by doing this, you can dramatically improve the learning experience for your students?

That’s why we’ve created our guide, Pedagogical Documentation: A Step by Step Guide to Overcome the Barriers With Documentation and Involve Children in the Process, just for you!

Download Today!

We have created this step-by-step guide so that you can follow these processes and then use what you learn to enrich and extend your students’ learning through hundreds of new activities and children.

Interested in learning more? We are pleased to offer you a free download of our Pedagogical Documentation guide. Just fill out the form and we’ll send over your copy right away!

This seven-step guide includes:

  • Why relationships are the heart and soul of pedagogical documentation

  • Why you need to slow down and be amazed by your students

  • How you can document the learning process

  • How you can go public with the work and share it with your community

  • The importance of making meaning from pedagogical documentation

  • How you can study and reflect upon your work

  • How you can enrich and extend this learning through responsive planning